Priya N. HEIN (Texte) – Lynda NELSON (Illustrations). Éditions Orphie . Album jeunesse. 2013 (2009). 9782877638364
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Priya HEIN
Librairie Autrement
Librairie Gérard
4ème de couverture
Édition en anglais
A little Dodo called Feno. Priya N. HEIN (Texte) – Lynda NELSON (Illustrations). Éditions Orphie . Album jeunesse. 2013 (2009). 9782877638371
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Éditions Orphie
Priya HEIN
Librairie Autrement
Librairie Gérard
4ème de couverture
Meet Feno the little dodo who lives on the beautiful tropical island called Mauritius. Feno wants to surprise his mummy for her birthday and give her a very special present. However, finding a present for his mummy proves a lot harder than expected.
Édition en allemand
Ein kleiner Dodo namens Feno. Priya N. HEIN (Texte) – Lynda NELSON (Illustrations). Éditions Orphie . Album jeunesse. 2009. 9789990306279
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Éditions Orphie
Priya HEIN
4ème de couverture